
still poor...

My English still sucks... Even if I understand some reading, I cannot figure out what the questions of exam are..., so I cannot get high score.

Today, I had a test but I couldn't understand well contents of it, so definitely it is possible to answer correctly and mark high score. I know that there are some reasons such as my low vocabulary level, slow reading speed, and ambiguous comprehension.

How can I make it? One of the answer is that keeping concentration and train my memory. In addition, it is quite important to get rid of many temptations such as FB, Twt, any IM, and so on...   
However, socializing is also important for my life. That's a sort of contradiction. In order to succeed in my life, not only higher education, property, job or abilities to make money but also extensive contacts and a wide range of human network are crucially significant.

I can make a schedule, a plan, and a way to do what I need to do. So all I need is that I...
Just do it.

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